The nasal lining is comprised of an extensive vascular network or superficial and deep blood vessels. Bleeding usually occurs in the front of nasal cavity along the nasal septum. Rarely bleeding may occur at other sites such as in the back of the nose near and or at junction of the throat, making treatment more difficult and complex. Nose bleeds can be caused by a variety issues that include trauma, septal deviation, URI, sinusitis, tumors, or mucosal irritation such as allergic rhinitis. Additional causes also include systemic disorders such as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia or problems with blood clotting seen in patients taking blood thinners or with congenital bleeding disorders.

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How to Treat Nosebleeds

Treatment for nose bleeds can often times be managed conservatively.  Simple maneuvers for treating mild to moderate nose bleeds include applying firm digital pressure, use of a nasal decongestant, and remaining calm with relaxed breathing.  For severe, persistent, or recurrent epistaxis please seek medical management.  Treatment in these cases require consultation with a trained ENT physician. Long term management and prevention requires use and adherence to nasal precautions such as: avoiding forceful nose blowing or nasal sneezing, avoidance of digital manipulation, use of saline nasal sprays, and avoidance of non prescribed blood thinning agents such as aspirin or other NSAIDs.

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