What to Expect From Sinus Surgery

The goal of sinus surgery is to eliminate physical obstructions of the sinus cavities and nasal passages and to enlarge the natural sinus openings. The surgeon removes diseased bone or mucosa (skin lining), polyps or cysts, rinses the open sinuses, and sometimes takes cultures.

A pathologist examines the diseased tissue. The surgeon takes measures to minimize scarring and support healing structures. Surgery reduces the frequency of sinus infections by restoring natural patterns of ventilation and drainage within the nose. Modern sinus surgery, sometimes referred to as Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is performed through the nostrils using narrow cylindrical scopes, fiberoptic illumination, magnification, video displays, and a variety of specialized instruments for removing diseased tissue. It is usually performed under general anesthesia (patient asleep) as an outpatient surgery.

Prior to the Procedure

The patient should stop all topical decongestant sprays four to six weeks prior to surgery. Before any sinus surgery, the patient must avoid blood thinners like aspirin or aspirin containing products such as Aggrenox, Ecotrin, and Excedrin for two weeks. Other blood thinners such as Plavix, Coumadin, and Warfarin should be stopped ahead of time according to your surgeon’s instructions. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (like Ibuprofen, Advil, Alleve, Naprosyn, Mobic, and Celebrex) should be stopped at least a week before surgery. Surgery may be delayed or rescheduled if a patient has a respiratory illness, flare up of asthma, or had any food or drink the morning of the procedure.

Post-Surgery Treatment

Risks of surgery include bleeding, formation of scar bands, recurrent sinusitis in the opened sinuses or progression of sinusitis to involve other sinuses, and recurrent growth of polyps. Rare risks include reactions to anesthesia, spinal fluid leak, decreased sense of smell, or injury to the eye socket resulting in pain or decreased vision.

Recovery typically involves nasal packing that is removed a day or more after surgery. One can expect a few days of bloody nasal drainage and post-nasal drip. Saltwater (saline) sprays and irrigations are used for two weeks or more. Follow-up in the office for endoscopic cleaning is important to ensure proper healing.

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Nasal Obstruction or Sinus Disease Self Assessment Quiz

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