A few years ago, I was watching a documentary (I’ve forgotten the title), and a young girl said about something, “I don’t like to think about that.” My psychotherapist friend blurted out loud, “That’s called denial, sweetie.” It made me laugh so hard. It is so true. Humans love to avoid things that make us uncomfortable. 

Are you avoiding your doctor’s visits? There are a plethora of reasons to do so. The pandemic has provided the medical-averse a decent excuse to put one’s healthcare on hold. Also, who likes going to the doctor anyway? There’s time off of work, parking validations, and money is often involved. It’s not difficult to think of a reason to push a doctor’s appointment. If this sounds like you, stop it already. 

Let us be your voice of reason. Going for check-ups is like ripping off a bandaid. Sure, there’s a little discomfort, but when it’s over, you feel a sense of relief. Healthcare professionals know that visits to the office are not most people’s favorite way to spend an afternoon (or morning, for that matter). But once you get it out of the way, a sense of accomplishment and relief will carry you through. You won’t even remember why you put it off for so long.

If you are having a hard time picking up the phone to make an overdue medical appointment, there are a few things you can do to help alleviate the stress. Phone a supportive friend to see if they can go with you. Talk to someone about your anxiety. Getting the issue off of your chest helps. You can also reward yourself for completing the task: a nice meal, that cashmere sweater, a weekend away.

Sometimes adulting is the worst, but once you get your ducks in a row and get on top of your healthcare, you will feel accomplished. Don’t wait another day. Call your doctor’s office now. 

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