Nathan Hales M.D., F.A.C.S.

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Dr. Hales, originally from Utah and raised in Texas, completed his undergraduate studies at Texas A&M University and medical school with honors at The University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. He trained in Otolaryngology and completed a fellowship in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Board-certified in Otolaryngology, Dr. Hales is also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio and active in residency training. Fluent in Spanish, he participates in international service missions and has a special interest in endocrine surgery and head and neck cancer care.

For all appointments please contact the office with the phone number listed below.

Phone: (210) 249-4838 | Medical Center: 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd, Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78229

Phone: (210) 249-4840 | Westover Hills: 5715 Rogers Rd, Ste 128 San Antonio, TX 78251

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